Disciplinary Action: an interview with Steve ‘The Commando’ Willis

Commando Steve @2x

Steve Willis, better known as The Commando, is used to putting contestants through all manner of challenges on television’s ‘The Biggest Loser’. Now he challenges readers to change their eating habits for the better with his new cookbook ‘Get Commando Fit’, published this month through Hachette.

“We don’t believe in cheat meals at GetCommandoFit headquarters,” says Steve, “and you shouldn’t cheat yourself by falling into bad habits. You’ll be surprised how your body responds to the goodness you’ll find in each recipe.”

Antonino Tati chats with the Commando himself about all things disciplinary…


What’s one reason you can think of that sees ‘The Biggest Loser’ so avidly watched by audiences?

I think it’s the simple fact that change can occur through hard work and determination. The contestants are living proof of this change, and everyday Australians draw on this inspiration to effect change in their own lives.


So the show really does motivate viewers. 

Hundreds, if not thousands, of people have changed their lives for the better through the medium of ‘The Biggest Loser’. It has had a tremendous impact in helping people realise they too can live a life that is more enjoyable and fulfilling. We hear from people every day who thank us and the show for changing their lives.


You’re renowned for wearing a uniform of army pants, black singlet and dark sunnies. Do you ever step out of the house in that combo just to go to the corner shop to buy a carton of milk?

Yep, every day. If I don’t dress as Commando Steve at least once a day, something’s wrong!


The fact is that you were in the army in the mid-Nineties, starting off in infantry before joining Special Forces. What’s one memorable moment you can share having been in the Forces?

There are so many fantastic things that I did in my military career but the one thing that sticks with me is the camaraderie; the bond that I had with the guys I worked with.


After that period, you studied personal training. Did you find with your initial clientele you may have been a bit hard at first – a little too ‘bootcamp’?

Never! I’ve always been tough but fair. And I have always made sure that the people I train experience success. Everything is relative, so my aim is through consistency and good coaching, to affect change both physically and mentally.


There’s a huge surge in combining sports and fitness today, from Cross Fit Games, which you’re a champion of, to Mixed Martial Arts. Do you think people benefit from adding variety to their sports and fitness besides the reason to not get bored?

Totally. Fitness should be like anything else in life; getting outside your comfort zones and testing your margins of experience, constantly try new things. And your body will thank you for it.


You’re also an ambassador of the Spartan Race. With the tough territorial settings that Australia possesses, would you say contenders in the race have got their work cut out for them as much as contestants on US or European turf? 

The Spartan Race is tough no matter where and no matter what distance you take on. I’ve heard from a number of seasoned obstacle course racers who’ve said the Australian races are some of the best they’ve ever run.


The ‘Get Commando Fit’ Cookbook is available through Hachette Australia, RRP $29.99 from quality book stores, and RRP $16.99 in eBook format.


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