WIN! Copies of novels ‘The Eden Effect’ + ‘Gold Standard’


The Eden Effect @2x

Bearing the scars of a traumatic childhood experience, Martin Brophy has shielded himself from the media, believing overexposure to the news does people more harm than good. He joins forces with a disgraced former accountant to set up a social experiment to test Martin’s hypothesis, known as The Eden Effect. Its ramifications soon reverberate around the world and put the men against the might of global media, with devastating results.


‘The Eden Effect’ is published through Quikmark, RRP $24.95.

Cream has two copies to give away. To try winning one, simply email your name and address and the Subject heading ‘Eden’ to by 5pm, Friday 24 July.




Gold Standard @2x

Whilst living abroad, Dr Andrew Marshall’s colleague and mentor has found a cure for a deadly form of brain cancer, putting the hospital on the world map. But after returning to work in Melbourne, Andrew discovers anomalies in some of the patients’ medical records, and becomes concerned that his mentor’s actions may have been unethical and illegal. Andrew finds himself compelled to search for the truth, even if the consequences could be disastrous for the department and ruin his mentor.


‘Gold Standard’ is published through Quikmark, RRP $24.95.

Cream has two copies to give away. To try winning one, simply email your name and address and the Subject heading ‘Gold’ to by 5pm, Friday 24 July.

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