Matt Hale, comedic hypnotist: an interview with someone who’s been under his spell…

Matt Hale photo by Shaun Ferraloro @2x

Comedic hypnotist Matt Hale returns to the Fringe World stage in Perth, fresh from performances around the world – hosting three brand new shows across 24 performances in total.

Matt’s modern take on the art (and science!) of hypnosis includes audience participation, of course, but rather than having his subjects move about like chickens, he has them grooving to Taylor Swift.

Cream interviews participant Jack Thomas who recently fell under that magical Matt Hale spell…


This having been your first time going under hypnosis – and doing so in public – how nervous or hesitant were you?
I was pretty hesitant leading up to the show, but as we were greeted and being seated, all hesitation went out the window! I was scared for some secrets to come out, but luckily my secret love for Taylor Swift was the only one to surface!


Did you think it would really work or did part of you think you’d resist it?
I believed in it, so maybe I didn’t want to resist or maybe I just couldn’t because I was open to the idea? Given that my mother is also a hypnotist I kept a rather open mind. Having said that, I still don’t look my mother in the eyes, though!


A couple of people initially wanting to go under hypnosis were asked to leave the stage by Matt Hale. What was your trick to relax and not resist?
Just focusing on my breathing and relaxing; finding a kind of Zen-like state, I guess.


Do you remember things you did, such as making cool ‘pick-up’ expressions when prompted to by Matt, or dancing to Taylor Swift’s music on command?
I can’t remember things vividly; it was more like a dream. In fact, are you sure I wasn’t just at Connections nightclub? Dancing to Taylor Swift is normal for me but for some reason it was a little different at one of Matt Hale’s shows. He’s the man!


Was there a sense of release or relief after the hypnotic session?
I felt very euphoric afterwards; it was almost like going straight back into a dream. I was definitely more relaxed. And when I got home, I fell sleep as soon as I hit the pillow.


Matt Hale’s ‘Hynolicious!’ continues at FringeWorld’s Noodle Palace in Northbridge from January 27-30 and February 4-6, 10-13, 17-20.

‘Hypnolicious!’ will also play at Scarborough Beach (at Sunset Verandah) on January 22, 24 and 25, and at the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre on January 31 and February 7.

Tickets are available through

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